we exist too

we exist too

  • June 29, 2022
  • 1832

Our stories are so different. We’re coming from different countries and different contexts. We have different experiences and different personalities.

When we come together, the amount of love and grace is so big, that it doesn’t go unnoticed. It releases a power that brings so much healing and restoration in our souls and hearts. It’s a time where there’s no condemnation and pressure to perform. It’s transparency and vulnerability; it’s support and encouragement. And it’s the fuel that motivates and pushes us towards the end goal. We have Jesus as our common end goal. He is the power that has led us to become who we are today.

We chose a path that seems complicated and controversial in the eyes of many, but the One who chose us will help us make it to the end. He won’t let us down, He won’t give up on us, nor will He push away our affection towards Him. People might set limits and boxes for how our healing will take place, but the Holy Spirit decides when and how.

The beautiful thing is that God met us where we were. He wasn’t this self-righteous God in perfect heaven, expecting us to be complete and holy before He would move. No. He opened His arms wide and received us in our brokenness and shame, even when we couldn’t accept ourselves.

Many wonder, “why choose God when He hates LGBT?” Well, that’s a lie. His Word says He doesn’t want anyone to perish, but all to come to repentance and get saved! Many times the religious misrepresent the Creator, but the truth is that the Creator would never despise His creation, but rather do everything to bring it back to its original design, to the place of flourishing and true fulfilment.

Many say we hate and reject LGBT. But since when did sharing our life experience become hatred? Since when has sharing what we have been through become hate speech? If who we are is considered hatred by some, then it appears that there’s a hidden agenda somewhere, or a hidden reality. That sounds more like an accusation towards who we are today, and if that’s the case, then the hatred is not coming from us, but from those who accuse us of it. And besides that, how could we hate someone for being in a lifestyle we came out of? We are the most qualified to understand LGBT people with compassion and mercy. Wouldn’t we want to share with them the treasure we found that helped us overcome our fears, addictions, and sufferings?

Homosexuality is a sinful lifestyle because it is outside God’s design. He knows it brings pain and deception, and that it’s not sustainable in the long run. He’s not stopping anyone from identifying as gay, trans, or whatever they decide to call themselves. He’s not obstructing people from believing lies and building walls around their hearts to keep their confusion from being challenged. He gave free will to all of us, because He loves us. He’s patiently waiting for us to respond to His call for repentance leading to salvation.

There are those who receive our message, and those who don’t, and that’s perfectly fine. There are people who decide they want to follow the same path as us, and others who prefer to go in other directions. They have the right to do so. We speak to those who identify with our journey; we can’t hold back from sharing the freedom and joy we found in Jesus. And why would it be so offensive to those who have a different opinion? We’re not offended by their opposing beliefs. There’s room for everybody in the world.

People say that we suppress who we really are and that we abstain from pursuing a pleasant lifestyle. Who has given anyone the right to define who we really are or what we are “suppressing”? People judge us without having tasted the same power that transformed us and they err. They say that we are resisting something that our flesh craves, in a world that encourages us to follow any desire. Isn’t that proof that we actually don’t want what we are denying? Is who we are now not who God always intended us to be? What if people’s misguided words and negative life experiences drew us away from who we really were all along?

Millions of people all around the world are promoting and trumpeting LGBT. Why does it cause such an uproar when a few hundreds speak about their journeys out of LGBT? This is food for thought.

Until next time, we invite you to check out our recent event.
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