Unashamed | Come & Meet Us
We are Unashamed of the Gospel of Jesus, because it’s the power of God to save. And we are Unashamed of our past, as it does not define who we are anymore.
What motivates us and helps us to keep going? The desire to see others getting saved, and the relief in knowing we can thank God that gay, lesbian, or trans is only who we once used to be. And if our stories can be instrumental for God in rescuing other souls from the deceit of this world, then we’re open, we’re available, and we say, “here we are, Lord, send us and we will go!”.
Therefore, we’re coming together in London, on the 28th of May, united from over nine different nations! And we want to meet with you!

We are full of the love of Jesus, of hope and joy, and our hearts burn for a society of freedom for everybody, freedom to get help, support, prayer, counselling and therapy for those who struggle with unwanted same-sex attraction or gender confusion.
After tasting different paths, going through traumas and conforming to what the culture forces you to embrace, after putting a label on our foreheads and deceiving ourselves with that which was never meant for us, we have come to the realisation that neither a homosexual lifestyle, an LGBT identity, nor transitioning will never solve the deeper issues that lead to that sexual and gender confusion.
Some of us have been through long term relationships or marriages with the same sex, only to discover at a later stage that it was going nowhere.
Some of us transitioned, took hormones of the opposite sex for years, and even went through surgeries, before finally coming to understand that our biological sex is the only real and fulfilling one.
All of us battled with all sorts of addictions, struggled with depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts and toxic relationships, only to find out later that Jesus was the answer to all of that pain and mess.

People can say whatever they want, that we’re manipulated or brainwashed, but we know the deplorable and illusive condition we once had and we see ourselves now, in a completely different place: safe, confident, loved and forgiven.
We are advocating for a society that would give that freedom of choice to everyone. Nobody should be forced to stay gay or trans if they don’t want to, no matter what their reasons are.
It’s never been about what they stubbornly and unsuitably call “conversion therapy”, but the chance for any individual to have access to the kind of help they need, be that pastoral support, therapy, psychology, prayer ministry, or any other consensual and ethical effort.
We’ll see you at Unashamed! Book your ticket here.
Check the speakers’ list on the event official page.